Anna Kicińska-Jakubowska
Cottonisation of Decorticated Flax Fibres
Affilation: Institute of Natural Fibres and Medical Plants, Poznań, Poland
All authors: Zimniewska Malgorzata, Zbrowski Andrzej, Konczewicz Wanda, Majcher Andrzej, Przybylski Jan, Matecki Krzysztof, Wiśniewski Marek , Mańkowski Jerzy, Kicińska-Jakubowska Anna
Linen Fibres Based Reinforcement for Laminated Composites
Affilation: Institute of Natural Fibres and Medical Plants, Poznań, Poland
All authors: Zimniewska Malgorzata, Stevenson Anthony, Sapieja Andrzej, Kicińska-Jakubowska Anna